Vancouver Nanomedicine Day 2018 will take place on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at the Vancouver Alpen Club. We are proud to announce that one of the pioneers of the use of nanomaterials for pulmonary fibrosis, Dr. Tamara Minko from Rutgers University in the U.S. will give one of the invited talks. Also confirmed as invited speaker is Dr. Camilla Foged from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark who will speak about inhalable tuberculosis vaccines. Please check out the entire program with an additional 13 nanomedicine talks, as well as the poster session with cash prizes.

Due to the generosity of our local biotech and nanomedicine industry, we will again be able to provide all participants with an exciting program, free registration, food during the entire day, and poster prizes. Thank you to all sponsors listed below.

While registration is free, you will have to register for the Vancouver Nanomedicine Day 2018. Please click on the button below and tell us your name and affiliation for the badge, and your preferred lunch option for Nanomedicine Day.

We are looking forward to meeting you all the already 4th Vancouver Nanomedicine Day 2018. For more information, check out once more the program of Nanomedicine Day.

For the organizing committee,

Urs Hafeli, Chair
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UB

Image Credit:   UBC

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