NanoApps Medical Inc is pleased to announce Dr. Karl Johannes Lierfeld represents us in Cologne Germany where we explore the opportunities and potential partnerships within the European Union.

He is the author of “Artificial Superintelligence – Utopias, Dystopias, Disruptions” is available from
projektverlag Press. The book was released in December 2018.

Johannes studied mediaphilosophy and literature in Marburg and Cologne. After years of experience as a screenwriter, he focussed on scientific writing and entrepreneurship.

He is a partner in the startup incubator ESTONTECO in Cologne where he is the CIO.

Recently in Cologne, Johannes addressed the CAPP Cologne dinner. Pope Francis requested members of Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice to consult with experts in the research field “Artificial Intelligence” (AI). AI was chosen as the central topic of the Cologne conference.

Text of his Intervention, written to complement his talk:  “Human Core Values in the Digital Age – Challenges towards Philosophy, Ethics and Religion

Follow Johannes on twitter: @lierfeld

Post and Image Credit:  Amanda Scott Nanoapps Medical Inc. CEO  Follow her on twitter: @tantriclens

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