Source: Bold Business. Follow them on twitter.

Though you may not realize it, more than 40,000 computer-brain interfaces have already been employed in healthcare today. Thus, to say computer-brain interfaces are something new would be inaccurate. But compared to what the future of neuromedicine holds, these types of interfaces are quite rudimentary. The real game-changer awaits us in the form of silicon brains and computer-brain connections. From neuromorphic computing to implanted brain chips, human—and machine—intelligence is about to take a quantum leap.

But at the same time, serious concerns exist. In addition to privacy and security risks, new problems could also arise from superintelligence. The question is how these advances in technology and science will be managed when it comes to being socially responsible.

Understanding Neuromorphic Computing and Brain Chips

At the current time, the two technologies of neuromorphic computing and brain chips are somewhat separated in terms of industries. Neuromorphic computing refers more to the pursuit of creating brain-like structures using silicon as a base. In these systems, individual silicon chips seek to function like individual brain neurons. Thus, ultimately, an actual silicon brain using neuromorphic computing would mimic a human’s brain functionally.

Brain chips, on the other hand, are being used to harness the power of the neuron in a single chip. But these pursuits are looking to use brain chips to foster connections to computing systems to improve human function. In doing so, human consciousness would have access to all the vast information and processing power available. Therefore, to say it in simple words, neuromorphic computing strives to give machines and robotics the power of the human brain. Meanwhile, brain chips seek to enhance human intelligence through connections to computing and information technologies.

Image Credit:  Alias Studio

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