Researchers have developed a see-through, dual-layered, mesh EEG device which is capable of measuring the electrical activity of individual neurons…

Researchers from Boston Children’s Hospital and Northeastern University developed a ‘see-through’ EEG device to understand how the brain works.

Brain electrical discharges are measured with electroencephalograms (EEGs). This method is currently the best standard for measuring brain activity. However, these EEGs are not able to differentiate the activity of different types of brain cells and simply average the signal for a whole section of the brain.

Neuroscientist Dr Michela Fagiolini, from the Boston Children’s Hospital, and Engineer Dr Hui Fang, from Northeastern University worked together to develop the device. They placed the device on the visual cortex of the live mice, and were able to successfully capture the electrical activity of individual neurons as they responded to visual stimuli. The device also offered high-resolution optical imaging.

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